Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Goodreads and HarperCollins to Hold Giveaway for 'FEAR'

A few days ago, we noticed that Goodreads would be holding a giveaway for the upcoming novel in the GONE series, FEAR.

The giveaway will begin September 26th and run through March 27th of next year! Last year, we entered the giveaway for ARCs of PLAGUE and won! Good luck to everyone who enters.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


We are so excited to introduce the new podcast and fan blog for the GONE series! Stay tuned for more exciting things!

Behind the FAYZ #1 - "Monotonous Voices"

Isaac and Riley introduce you to the podcast and talk about what's to come! Download it here! Just a forewarning: it does take up some space, but we are working out the mp3 situation.